i've got mail!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

-> ->
finally, after several months it has found it's owner. - me!
it has been around a couple of places from other parts of the globe before reaching to the correct address. - my mistake!
should arrived separately in different occasions but i guess how it comes about from its journey definitely makes me cherish them much much more.

i'm like opening gift after gift after gift after gift...
well... well...
definitely makes me wonder "is that your weird handwriting?"
coz the handwriting on the white envelope is yours! but the ones on the green envelope... ?
definitely an accessory to my fridge...
i may not drink but it'll helps to open the hua tiao jiu bottle in the kitchen. - quoted from my sis
definitely enables me to study the map of the postcard...
i can improve on my geography.
definitely made me smile...
how do you know my size? have you been checking me out?

you said you don't need me to thank or anything but... i still want to say "thank you".

nasal spray
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

patients suffering from as asthma uses a mouth spray.
patients suffering from sensitive sinus problem uses a nasal spray.

today, dr loh officially issued a nasal spray to me.
reviewing this past 3/4 of the year of visits i've paid to the clinic which all medical examinations concludes to my sensitive nose - flu, phelgm, nose blocked, throat inflammation ... -> all signs of sinus issues will appear.

besides a huge pack of various medications prescribed to me, i have to use the nasal spray twice a day.
- once every morning and night;
- sit at a upright position then insert the spray into the nostril;
- spray into each nostril to unblock the blockage so as not to build up the phelgm stuck at my throat.

sounds simple?
old already + body resistance is much lower = weaker health

looks like i will be stuck with this for a while.

seeds and faith
Sunday, November 22, 2009

we are always sowing seeds in life
by everything we do and say.
so let's make sure the fruit we reap,
comes from the good we do each day.

wise quote
Saturday, November 21, 2009

"is it wrong for gay to fall in love? how jo?"
my red ranger asked me this morning.

this is a society issue.
what the society accepts, acknowledges, wants and needs may or may not be the best for everyone.

i'm not some love expert but i shared my few cents worth.
what is wrong and right when it comes to love?
however, it does takes alot of courage and strength with alot of support for each other.

love does not consist of gazing at each other,
but in looking together in the same direction.
- antoine de saint-exupery

fragile existence
Sunday, November 15, 2009

though darker, rougher grows the way.
and cares press harder day by day.
with patience i'll rest,
and whisper that i'll know best.

graveyard shift
Monday, November 9, 2009

starts tonight...

love vs suffering
Saturday, November 7, 2009

read something and felt like sharing.

to love is to suffer.
to avoid suffering, one must not love.
but then, one suffers from not loving.
therefore, to love is to suffer; not to love is to suffer; to suffer is to suffer.
to be happy is to love, then, is to suffer but suffering makes one unhappy.
therefore, to be happy, one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness.
- woody allen


back to work after 5 days of being away.
though i did went back and spent 4 hours at work on wednesday.
anyway... i had to.
otherwise, things can't progress the way i want it to be.

the past few days has been the better comfortable period so far since the past 6-7 months.
though one of the staff said to me today that i looked emo this morning.
was i?

"rest is to take on a longer journey."

what's within you
Thursday, November 5, 2009

the people around us can surprise us everyday.
that maybe who we are isn't so much about what we do.
but rather what we are capable of when we least expect it.

halloween visit @ 12 midnight
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

familiar faces & horrifying gang

it's nice to see familiar faces in the midst of work on a saturday night.
especially when i'm 'held down on duty' by the lanyard and the heavy bunch of store keys.

**(ummm... realised i've been making a few exceptions of myself lately.)


there are 2 reasons to not tell the truth -
(i) because lying will get you what you want,
(ii) because lying will keep someone from getting hurt.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

solitary: alone, living alone, not gregarious, without companions; single, separate; secluded, lonely. recluse, hermit.
*(gregarious: living in flocks or communities; fond of company; of flocks or crowds.)
*(recluse: given to or living in seclusion, retirement or isolation.)
*(hermit: person living in solitude.)
solitude: being solitary; lonely place.

if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it's not because they enjoy solitude.
it's because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.
- jodi picoult (my sister's keeper)

i could have quoted the aboved sentences which speaks so much of my sentiments.


have you ever placed expectations on others as of yourself?
well, i do.

last week, i finally confirmed a staff whom i chose to be in one of my departments.
life can be such a irony where a person's job outcomes derives from one's choice and decision.
in this case, my choice... my decision.
especially when i'm a in position authorised with the 'power'.

being me, i can be a rather irritating and particular person.
of course, i laid down my 'rules' to him.
1. integrity
2. self-discipline *(which inludes talk less, work more)
3. punctuality
4. work performance
i said to him: if you can't be up to standard, then i will replace you.

do i expect myself to adhere to those 'rules' i laid?
yes, as a matter of fact.

despite whatever i am at work, i want everyone in my teams to work in an amiable environment.

the fake monster
# hybrid
# genetically unsound
# act blur act stupid

Monster Xchange
A Bathing Ape

more monsters

chronicles of fake monster
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009